Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have been sick for several weeks, and when I woke up this morning I was feeling especially awful! As a result, I decided the best course of action, to keep up my moral, was to put in some opera music and and crank up the volume. As the magnificent music filled my room, my heart began to sore and flood with emotions. I pictured myself sitting in a balcony with an elaborate ball gown, drinking in the beauty of the music as it blended with the performance transpiring onstage before my eyes....then it suddenly occurred to me (like it has started to a few times before) that I, like Gabryelle, am a romantic and love to imagine myself in that world......I will soon be imagining myself as a damsel in distress being saved by Don Quixote no doubt! haha

1 comment:

Gabryelle said...

Yay! A fellow Romantic! It was the best period in all of British literature!